Thursday, April 17, 2008

Be Credible in Your Message

As you may well know I a am an Internet Sales Manager at Carl Gregory and building my brand is the most important part of my online marketing message. One thing I do not do is tell customers something to appease them. I am brutally honest even if it not what the customer wants to hear.

Today I inquired with a company that sells Internet Lead Management Tools and asked about a trade out or reduced rate of their services in exchange for advertising on two automotive blogs that I author. The response I received was incredible.

Please understand I do not mind being told no. That is not my gripe. I do mind being told no when no one even took the time to explore the sites in question. To me that just destroys any credibility in the denial of the request. Maybe it was just a salesperson no wanting to take a reduced commission due to reduced revenue or maybe it is the fact that the company in question is so wrapped up in themselves and think that their product cant be touched. I think it is the former but then again now the commission for the sale they will never get is $0.

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