Sunday, December 14, 2008

Is it negative or an education?

I have been accused of being negative recently by people I would not expect it from.  It may be because I called unintelligent marketing and sales techniques "A House of Cards".  While I understand how that could be considered negative to some, especially the ones who build them.

My intention was not to be negative but really to show that many of the big vendors in the automotive digital marketing arena only design products that are only semi effective or claim mastery of a process they cannot implement.  To that extent they are building a house of cards that is easily toppled when more effective processes and techniques are used.

The big corporate structures make it impossible for them to adapt fast enough and deploy effective strategies.  Just because they can't do something well they pitch that it cannot be done.

Because I poked a big hole in a recently presented myth people I respect accused me of being negative, for using the words "House of Cards".  Sure my personal marketing tactics are aggressive, I do not have the benefit of a huge marketing budget, but they are effective as well are my techniques.

I consult with a handful of dealers across the country and my product is auto dealer web traffic using very effective means.  It is accomplished using aggressive dealer SEO, craigslist and various link building campaigns.  I even use pay per click for car dealers for certain types of campaigns.  The thing is each dealers situation is different and market climate requires different techniques.  Nothing is cookie cutter.

To be sucessful in my opinion is to provide value first and become a partner with the dealership and be nimble enough to change direction when need be.  Build the foundation first and build long term relationships!!

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